If you are new to ginger, start with 1/2 inch or smaller and slowly work yourself up to more.
This drink may be strong to some at first but don’t give up. Keep making it. Over time, it will taste better and better as your taste buds begin to crave the nutrients.
2 large handfuls spinach
1 large handful parsley
2 apples
2 celery stalks
1/2 lemon
1/2 cucumber
1/2 inch ginger (you can work your way up to 1 inch but start with a tiny piece and work your way up)
My Juicer is a Jack Lalanne.
I recommend a Jack Lalanne or Breville brand.
– Gathering and chopping everything takes time. I like to chop everything in advance for at least a few days.
– MUST consume this drink within 24 hours of making it so you can’t make a ton and store it.
I personally like to double the ingredients. I drink 1 and store 1.
But again, drink the stored one within 24 hours. Must be stored in airtight container.
– Consume this drink on an empty stomach OR make sure you haven’t had anything to eat for at least 2 hours prior. This will allow it to do its best work in your body!
– Juicing does take time and thought. You have to chop it, make it and clean your juicer right away so you do have to plan it out but you will get faster and more savvy as you keep it up. Don’t give up! Make this drink apart of your LIFESTYLE!
If the drink is too strong, use half of the ginger to start
But please try your hardest to drink it the way the recipe says.
After a week or so, it will begin to grow on your taste buds.
The ginger and celery are so good for bloat and gut cleansing!
You’ll have to buy your spinach, parsley and cucumber once a week because it goes bad but you can buy the other items in bulk and more in advance.
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John 8:12
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Jesus is the light of the world. If you follow him, you will have him as your light. Yes, he will reveal your sins. Which is actually a precious gift — But even more, he will reveal all that is beautiful. He will reveal hope, healing and love.
He will be the light in which you see God — the light in which you see the history of redemption and the work of salvation.
He will be the light in which you see mountains and valleys and oceans and rivers and trees and animals and people. Nothing will be the same again when you have him as your light. Everything looks different in the light of Christ. His light fills the earth as the waters cover the sea — until it banishes sin and sickness and pain. His light will help you bear the sorrows of darkness. It will be a soft glow to comfort you in your lonely room after the devastating loss. It will be a lamp on your troubled path. It will reveal the wise and loving face of God ❤️ Thank you Jesus
Recipe Video: