Ceramic Electric Cooktops vs Gas vs Induction – Things you need to know before you buy one


Ceramic Electric Cooktops vs Gas vs Induction – Things you need to know before you buy one
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  1. holyarmageddon19 Author says:

    I know a chef that's been cooking for years and he has the electric cooktop at his place. No issues and likes it cuz it's more precise when cooking.

  2. djtomasuk Author says:

    good video! thanks!

  3. Omonalisa Author says:

    In inch long ?

  4. HifiCentret Author says:

    Why would anybody buy this over an induction cook top? No, it's not because of price!

    In Europe the probably cheapest (or one of the cheapest as I haven't seen any cheaper) cook top in standard size format you can get is from IKEA. Guess what – it's induction! They have ceramic too but it's slightly more expensive.
    My guess is the reason why some people prefer ceramic is that they can use their old cookware that is not compatible with induction. But really – they would be much better of just buying something new in IKEA while they're there. Stainless with induction compatible bottom doesn't cost a fortune anymore and you really shouldn't cook with your old raw aluminium cookware!! Aluminium over time increases risk of alzheimers as aluminium messes with your nerve system – using modern anodized aluminium is fine however as it doesn't release aluminium to the food.
    Then there's superstition and anxiety over "new" technology (even though it's more than two decades old – probably even three) or a combination of all of the above.
    So I don't understand why people would buy ceramic today. Then there's the hazard of the cat turning it on – an induction won't cause any danger unless large metal objects is on the top. Sure if you have a functional ceramic sure use it still but don't replace it with the same if it goes. Induction is much easier to clean and faster too. So IMHO it's either induction, gas or for very specific reasons portable old fashioned cast iron cook top. While you can get portable induction cook tops they're all noisy first of all because of the build in fan to keep electronics cool. So great if you need one for making food but not great for casual cooking at the dinner table (epleskiver is perfect christmas hygge) or keeping something varm – the old fashioned cast iron burner is much better suited for that since it justs gives subtle clicks and otherwise silent.

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