Sony 2022 OLED Comparison: A80K vs A90K


Sony 2022 OLED Comparison: A80K vs A90K
The Sony A80K and A90K are two of the best looking TVs on the market. In this video we go over their differences to give you a better idea of which model might be better for your needs.

Sony A80K: />Sony A90K: />
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  1. The TVs were on different settings at points throughout the video which is why you'll notice a difference in some of the shots. When on the same settings you can't tell a difference in picture quality. Which model are you going with?

  2. A80k vs lg c2, who is better ? For picture quality

  3. One thing is for sure, I will NEVERRRR buy another Sony for the rest of my life. They don't update the software so youtube is now useless. I call and everytime it's like too bad so sad. You can buy a newer version. If Sony is reading this, you guys fk millions of loyal customers and if you buy Sony, in 2 to 3 yrs expect to spend thousands like many of us did because they do not update software and you will be tricked and screwed, it's your choice, be smart and do not waste time on those clowns. Sony will lose thousands or even millions of customers because we will make it a mission to get the word out so they do not screw over the hard-working men and women who got scammed.If they waste your time on one product, you can expect them to screw you on all other products as well. Everything is great at first, you just wait in time they will fk you by spending hrs on the phone with their useless customer rep that does nothing but blow smoke up your butt, you been warned, Take care and dn't be the one. Salesman and rep will do all they can to sell you Sony product because that's their job. If you hate your money then go ahead and get slapped in the face by Sony because they simply DGAF once they get your $$$$. Sony Google TV updates? Too bad, google is not the one responsible for the updates…It is Sony that does the updates to their software, say goodbyes and break out your wallet again. 4K-8K…lol like Sony GAF about you, I got all the best version and got screwed, so dn't think they GAF about your budget Sony. If you have guests that ask why youtube or other apps dn't work? You will look cheap and stupid. Uhh I spend thousands but I dn't know why…they will think uhhh, maybe you bought your Sony at a garage sale.

  4. Exact 2 TVs I'm contemplating. It really comes down to 48“ vs 55". Thanks!

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